
Land of Vampires: A Full-Length Duet 5e Campaign

Created by Grove Guardian Press

Grab your stake and join the adventure! Order your copy of Land of Vampires: Slipping into Shadow, a full-length duet 5e campaign AND support our creation of Part Two: Risen Retribution, for even more fun in Steymhorod!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy (almost) Valentine's Day!
8 months ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 03:11:35 PM

Happy almost Valentine's Day! 

Thank you again for backing our campaign! We are now over 65% funded, which is amazing!!! 

Because of the nature of duet gaming, Jonathan and I always like to do something fun around Valentine's Day for the duet-ing community, and so this year, in honor of each of you and our Kickstarter, I made a special line of valentines that you can gift to your duet-ing partner as part of their Valentine's Day present! Or if they don't know that they're going to be playing Land of Vampires with you and you've been looking for a way to tell them, this should work perfectly! ;) 

I've put the valentines below along with a few others in a Google Drive folder that you can access here! If there's something else you'd like me to add, just let me know in the comments below, and I'll see what I can do! 

More soon!

💚 Beth 

Part Two, here we come!
8 months ago – Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 05:38:49 AM

Hello wonderful backers,

Thank you again for joining us for this campaign! I have a quick update for you before I run off to campus to teach for the day—after much discussion and consideration, Jonathan and I have decided to go ahead and offer Part Two of Land of Vampires as its own rewards tier AND as a pledge add-on. 

Many of our existing fans have already played through Land of Vampires (and loved it!), and they wanted the option for more adventures in Steymhorod, which is half the genesis behind Part Two in the first place. (The other origin half is our own desire to return to Steymhorod for what has become my favorite arc we've ever played in our home game and we cannot wait to share it with you!)

We are determined for this campaign to serve you and your needs as best as it possibly can, and part of that is going to involve bringing more people on board to make this campaign a reality. Jonathan and I will tweak the stretch goals accordingly—I need a little more time with those, and that will give us a chance to finish looking into Foundry VTT as well.

I'm happy to answer any questions you may have, so please either send me a message or drop a comment below. 

Happy adventuring!
